Gita robots: more on these shopping companions


A previous article has advanced that there will soon be Gita robots in Newcastle. These will act as shopping companions that will help customers carry their products when they are out visiting stores. How will they work?

A machine will be paired with a shopper. It will follow him/her around and it is able to carry up to 23kg of goods inside its body. The robots can move as fast as six miles per hour and has a battery life of six hours. As such, it can keep up with the person if he/she decides to jog. It is equipped with six cameras which offers 360 degree vision. Thus, it is able to detect its owner while using artificial intelligence to learn about its surroundings. According to Nic Palmarini, “Gita is not a classic anthropomorphic robot”. He advances that its lights and sounds make it seem more like a faithful dog that makes sounds and little movements to show that it is ready to walk with the shopper.

Moreover, the researchers are working on enhancing the robots. They are looking for ways to improve Gita as a companion for the elderly. One example of an upgrade is a cushion that fits over the cargo lid on top of the robot. This will allow the shopper to sit and rest for a while if he/she is feeling tired.

Photo credit: Maciej326 from Pixabay

The robots can carry 23kg of goods
